OUR Services

Road Accident Fund

We have a 40-year track record (with several record-breaking judgements) in RAF work, acting on behalf of passengers, drivers and pedestrians.

About the Road Accident Fund (RAF)

The Road Accident Fund (RAF) is a South African government-owned organization that provides compulsory cover for all road users in the country against injuries or death resulting from road accidents.

The RAF offers financial relief to families who have lost loved ones in road accidents, as well as those who have suffered permanent injury or disability.

With a focus on providing a safety net for all road users, the RAF helps to reduce the financial burden faced by those affected by road accidents and provides much-needed support during a difficult time. The RAF is funded by a fuel levy and contributions from vehicle licensing, ensuring that all road users contribute to the fund and allowing it to provide comprehensive cover for those in need.

What can I claim from the RAF?

The RAF provides compensation to victims of road accidents in South Africa, regardless of who caused the accident. If you or a loved one has been involved in a road accident, you may be able to claim compensation from the RAF for medical expenses, loss of income, and other expenses related to the accident.

In some cases, the RAF may also provide compensation for pain and suffering, as well as loss of support to dependents of those who have died as a result of the accident.

What steps should I follow if I was involved in an accident?

In the event of a road accident, you can safeguard yourself by performing the following actions:

  • Document as many details as you can about the accident's circumstances.
  • Jot down the drivers involved in the accident's contact information and the vehicles' registration information.
  • Take note of the full names and contact information of any witnesses present.
  • See a doctor or a hospital for a comprehensive medical check-up.

It is important to act quickly when making a claim with the Road Accident Fund. Contact us as soon as possible to ensure that your claim is processed in a timely manner.